Safe online shopping

Safe online shopping – shopping online can be the most convenient way to shop from anywhere – at least anywhere where 4G and Wi-Fi is available. The burden of traffic and crowded stores can make online shopping the household’s preferred retail option. Online shopping is not without risks and we need to know how criminals can target you to steal your personal or financial information.

Online identity and financial theft are on the rise and it’s more important than ever to protect your information and identity. 

Here are some things you can do to help protect your information from falling into the wrong hands and shop safely online.

Stick to the stores you know

There are many fake/scam/ fraudulent websites online that lure victims by offering sales that are too good to be true – and they are! Avoid websites that appear suspicious, have swarms of ads and popups, and seem to constantly redirect you.

To make matters worse, criminals often make copies of genuine online websites to trick you into ‘shopping with them’ so you can give them your credit card information.

Avoid clicking on suspicious links

Phishing and other fake emails are always common but seem to increase over the holiday season. You may receive store emails about current and upcoming sales that pretend to be from an online retailer so they can steal your personal and financial information.

Be aware of phishing emails and never click on a link or attachment from an unsolicited email. When visiting your favourite store, open your web browser and type the store’s name directly into the address bar or search for the site online.

Making the payment

When entering your credit card information online, double-check the URL in the address bar. Make sure it’s actually the online retailer’s website. Your browser should display a small lock icon in the address bar followed by ‘https’. The “s” means secure.

Check your network

Do you only make purchases from a trusted Wi-Fi? If you are using a public Wi-Fi or network you don’t trust, it may not be the best place to practice safe online shopping or do your banking. Wi-Fi offers very little security and may not have the encryption you need to use the internet securely. It’s best to use your phone as a hotspot or wait until you get to a trusted Wi-Fi.


Top tips for secure online shopping

  • Install and regularly update your antivirus.
  • Regularly apply updates to your PC, MacBook, and Phone.
  • Make sure the websites you visit are safe and avoid suspicious-looking websites, especially when they offer deals that are too good to be true.
  • Make sure all websites have ‘https’ displayed and the lock icon is present in the address bar.
  • Be aware of the dangers of using free Wi-Fi.

Safe online shopping – shopping online can be the most convenient way to shop from anywhere – at least anywhere where 4G and Wi-Fi is available. The burden of traffic and crowded stores can make online shopping the household’s preferred retail option. Online shopping is not without risks and we need to know how criminals can target you to steal your personal or financial information.

Online identity and financial theft are on the rise and it’s more important than ever to protect your information and identity. 

Here are some things you can do to help protect your information from falling into the wrong hands, and shop safely online.

Stick to the stores you know

There are many fake / scam / fraudulent websites online that lure victims by offering sales that are too good to be true – and they are! Avoid websites that appear suspicious, have swarms of ads and popups, and seem to constantly redirect you.

To make matters worse, criminals often make copies of genuine online websites to trick you into ‘shopping with them’ so you can give them your credit card information.

Avoid clicking on suspicious links

Phishing and other fake emails are always common but seem to increase over the holiday season. You may receive store emails about current and upcoming sales that pretend to be from an online retailer so they can steal your personal and financial information.

Be aware of phishing emails and never click on a link or attachment from an unsolicited email. When visiting your favourite store, open your web browser and type the store’s name directly into the address bar or search for the site online.

Making the payment

When entering your credit card information online, double check the URL in the address bar. Make sure it’s actually the online retailer’s website. Your browser should display a small lock-icon in the address bar followed by ‘https’. The “s” means secure.

Check your network

Do you only make purchases from a trusted Wi-Fi? If you are using a public Wi-Fi or network you don’t trust, it may not be the best place to securely browse the internet, shop online or do your banking. Wi-Fi offers very little security and may not have the encryption you need to use the internet securely. It’s best to use your phone as a hotspot or wait until you get to a trusted Wi-Fi.


Top tips for secure online shopping

  • Install and regularly update your antivirus.
  • Regularly apply updates to your PC, Macbook and Phone.
  • Make sure the websites you visit are safe and avoid suspicious looking websites, especially when they offer deals that are too good to be true.
  • Make sure all websites have ‘https’ displayed and the lock-icon is present in the address bar.
  • Be aware of the dangers of using free Wi-Fi.

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