Cyber Security Awareness Training for Employees

Training Courses + Phishing Simulations = Human Safety Shield.

Empower Your Team, Secure Your Business. Cyber threats are on the rise, and the stakes have never been higher.

secureaz client logos

Here’s The Truth :

In the last few years, we have lost over 100m to Cyber Crime in NZ Alone.

This Has to Stop.

Safeguard Your Business Against Cyber Crime and Financial Loss.

  • Concerned about the rising threat of cyber crime?
  • Worried about the potential financial losses and damage to your reputation?
  • Want to safeguard your valuable assets from cyber attacks?
  • Seeking a proactive solution to address your current lack of protection?

The cost of a cyber attack can be astronomical, both in terms of financial losses and damage to your reputation.

It’s time to a proactive stance against cybercrime with SecureAZ.

Cyber security Awareness Training NZ

How We Help You Tackle Cyber Security Awareness

At SecureAZ, we provide cyber security awareness training that equips your employees with the knowledge and skills to protect your organisation with fun and easy to follow training and simulations.

We have put together 2 plans to choose from. It’s really up to you how much control you want over your training. Or – we can give you peace of mind and manage your team for you.

Self-Managed Plan

Self-Managed Plan

We give you the keys!


  • Add users and assign groups
  • Use our phishing templates
  • Use our default training courses
  • Add custom training and phishing templates
  • Live Dashboard with Analytics
  • On-going Support
Managed Plan

Managed Plan

We do all the heavy lifting for you.


  • Scheduled Training
  • Scheduled Phishing Simulations
  • Custom Phishing Campaigns
  • Monthly Reporting
  • On-Going Support
  • Peace-of-mind

1. Scheduled Phishing Email Campaigns:

Our team conducts rigorous testing by simulating real-world phishing attacks, evaluating your staff’s ability to recognise and respond to malicious emails.

This hands-on approach highlights potential vulnerabilities and provides valuable insights into areas that need improvement.

2. Cyber Security Awareness Training

Equip your staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to defend against cyber threats.

Our engaging training modules cover a wide range of topics, including identifying phishing attempts, practicing secure online behaviors, and understanding the importance of data protection.

With our expert-led sessions, your employees will become the first line of defense for your organisation.

3. Ongoing Phishing Simulations

Cyber threats evolve constantly, and so should your defense strategy. Our sporadic phishing simulations keep your staff on their toes throughout the year.

By exposing them to simulated attacks at unexpected times, we help reinforce the lessons learned in training and ensure your workforce remains vigilant against emerging threats.

on-going phishing simulations

4. Actionable Insights and Reporting

Stay informed about your staff’s progress in protecting your company.

Our comprehensive reporting system provides valuable metrics and analysis, offering a clear picture of your organisation’s overall security posture.

With these insights, you can make informed decisions, identify areas for improvement, and take proactive steps to mitigate risks.

phishing insights and reporting

Cyber Security Training: Your Best Defense Against Ransom Payments and Financial Ruin.

With our holistic approach to cyber security awareness, your business will be better equipped to safeguard against potential threats and maintain a strong defense posture.

You don’t need to look abroad any longer with our awareness training that caters to the local NZ/AU market.

secureaz cyber security awareness platform easy to use
cloud based user training

Cloud based e-learning platform

Our cloud Security Awareness Platform (via LMS) is accessible from anywhere and on any device. Our training courses include practical instructions to equip you with all the tools you need.


phishing training auckland wellington

Real-world phishing simulations

We simulate real-world phishing attacks by emailing fake mails out to staff – training and testing users where they often slip up. Adding our phishing simulations to your training, helps you gauge responses to phishing attacks.

email reporting nz

Reporting that's simple as

Our platform generates actionable statistics on how well your staff are doing on their security journey. This can be accessed at anytime.  We combine this data with the phishing simulator data and email you a monthly report card.

Tailored Programs to Address Your Unique Worries and Vulnerabilities.

cyber security awareness

Cyber criminals are constantly evolving their tactics, which is why we provide ongoing support to keep your defenses strong.

Our team of experts will keep you updated on the latest threats, industry trends, and best practices, ensuring your business remains one step ahead of potential attackers.

Don’t Wait for Disaster to Strike – Act Now!

What Topics Are Covered?

  • Social Engineering
  • Phishing
  • Online Safety
  • Social Media Best Practices
  • Data Privacy
  • Password Account Best Practices
  • Malware identification and response
  • Remote Working
  • Know how their own daily actions affect your organisation’s security and brand.
  • Be able to carry out proactive steps to prevent data breaches and other ransom attacks.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of our training, your staff will:

  • Understand the most common attack methods and tactics of cyber criminals.
  • Know how their own daily actions affect your organisation’s security and brand.
  • Be able to carry out proactive steps to prevent data breaches and other ransom attacks.

Lower business risk

SecureAZ has identified that the most common cyber attack is Social Engineering, with attacks such as identity theft, phishing and ransomware. In most cases, these start with a malicious email phone call or text.

When your staff are aware of the everyday dangers that are constantly circling your organisation, your business is protected against cyber threats.

Following CertNZ guidelines, We’ve explored the most effective training techniques available to help equip your staff to become Cyber Smart. Armed with the right information, your staff can overcome the evolving cyber threat landscape every day..

Choose Education, Not Extortion: Cyber Security Training for Fraction of the Cost of Ransom

phishing user awareness

Cyber crime is not just a threat to your data and reputation; it can have a significant financial impact on your organisation. At SecureAZ, we offer User Awareness Training that not only strengthens your defense against cyber threats but also saves you money in the long run.

By investing in our comprehensive training program, you empower your employees to become the first line of defense against cyber attacks. They’ll learn to recognise phishing attempts, avoid social engineering tactics, secure sensitive information, and adopt safe online practices. Our engaging training modules make it easy for your staff to absorb vital knowledge and apply it in their day-to-day activities.

Consider the cost of a data breach or a successful ransomware attack. Beyond the immediate financial losses, there are also legal fees, regulatory fines, customer trust erosion, and potential lawsuits. The consequences can be devastating, both financially and reputationally. But with SecureAZ’s User Awareness Training, you can mitigate these risks and avoid such costly scenarios altogether.

Let SecureAZ be your partner in safeguarding your organization’s financial well-being. Start protecting your business today and save money in the long run by preventing cyber-crime before it happens. Contact us now to learn more about our User Awareness Training and take the first step towards a more secure and financially resilient future.

Protect, Educate, and Save: Cyber Security Training as the Affordable Alternative to Ransom.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

We have put together pricing packages from super small to super large teams. Depending on what you need – we can accommodate with a fast quote.

Does my organisation need cyber awareness training?

News flash – Cyber criminals don’t sleep. They are working 24/7 and every organisation is a target. They don’t care about your nature of businesses (including hospitals), they are just looking for the low hanging fruit. Without the proper cyber security training, your people, your business is vulnerable to the most common attacks.

What is the importance of cyber awareness training?

Cyber awareness training is crucial in today’s digital age to educate individuals and organizations about potential cyber threats and how to protect themselves against them. It helps prevent data breaches, identity theft, and financial losses, ensuring a safer online environment.

In addition to preventing data breaches and financial losses, cyber awareness training also helps individuals and organizations understand the importance of adopting secure online practices. It teaches them to be cautious while sharing personal information online, avoiding suspicious websites and emails, and regularly updating their software and antivirus programs. By promoting a culture of cyber awareness, individuals and organizations can actively contribute to creating a safer digital space for everyone.

Moreover, as cyber threats continue to evolve, ongoing cyber awareness training ensures that individuals and organizations stay updated on the latest threats and best practices to effectively protect themselves against emerging cyber risks.

Do all employees need information awareness training?

Sorry to say it’s not good enough for just the leadership in a business to go through awareness training. Cyber criminals will use any method they can, much like a simple email sent out to your employees. That’s why we stress that every member of your organisation know the fundamentals of cyber security and what the best practices are to avoid a data breach or ransomware attack.

How often should I have cyber security training?

SecureAZ recommends annual cyber security training courses for all staff. Why? Because cyber crime is a constantly changing issue. When you take our annual refresher courses, you are kept up-to-date with the most current cyber threats, and the best practices we teach can be implemented.


What topics are covered in SecureAz's cyber awareness training?

Our training covers a wide range of topics, including recognizing phishing emails and scams, creating strong passwords, securing personal and sensitive information, safe browsing habits, social engineering awareness, mobile device security, and the importance of software updates and patches.

In addition to preventing data breaches and financial losses, cyber awareness training also helps individuals and organizations understand the importance of adopting secure online practices. It teaches them to be cautious while sharing personal information online, avoiding suspicious websites and emails, and regularly updating their software and antivirus programs.

By promoting a culture of cyber awareness, individuals and organisations can actively contribute to creating a safer digital space for everyone. Moreover, as cyber threats continue to evolve, ongoing cyber awareness training ensures that individuals and organizations stay updated on the latest threats and best practices to effectively protect themselves against emerging cyber risks.

Furthermore, cyber awareness training also plays a crucial role in promoting a proactive approach to cybersecurity. It encourages individuals and organizations to not only react to cyber threats but also to actively identify and address potential vulnerabilities in their systems and networks.



Can SecureAz customize its cyber awareness training to suit specific organisational needs?

Absolutely! SecureAz understands that every organisation has unique requirements and challenges when it comes to cybersecurity. We offer tailored training programs that can be customized to address specific industry regulations, internal policies, and organizational goals. Our team works closely with clients to ensure the training aligns with their specific needs.

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We are real Kiwis. Give us a call, and let’s have a yarn about your business.

If you are looking for Cyber Security Training in Australia, great! Check out our other site SecureAZ Australia for Cyber Awareness.