Cyber Smart Guidance Articles

Facebook Phishing Scams

Beware of Facebook Phishing Scams! Don’t let hackers reel you in. Stay safe online and learn how to protect yourself from these sneaky cyber attacks.

How to USE Google Bard AI Chatbot

How to USE Google Bard AI Chatbot Google Bard is a new type of AI, or large language model at least, that can be used to generate text, translate...

How to encrypt files and folders

Learn how to encrypt files and folders - Encryption is a critical tool for keeping data secure. It's an essential piece of any cybersecurity...

Phone call phishing scams

Phone call phishing scams - There are many different types of fraud and new scams are invented every day. Fraudsters often use scam phone calls...
How to USE Google Bard AI Chatbot

How to USE Google Bard AI Chatbot

How to USE Google Bard AI Chatbot Google Bard is a new type of AI, or large language model at least, that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. It is still under...

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How to encrypt files and folders

How to encrypt files and folders

Learn how to encrypt files and folders - Encryption is a critical tool for keeping data secure. It's an essential piece of any cybersecurity strategy and can be used to protect files and folders from unauthorised access and malicious actors. In this article, we'll...

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Phone call phishing scams

Phone call phishing scams

Phone call phishing scams - There are many different types of fraud and new scams are invented every day. Fraudsters often use scam phone calls pretending to be the government, IRD, your bank, your employer, or even a friend. A scam phone call is a type of phishing...

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My Username and Password have been stolen

My Username and Password have been stolen

An account breach using a stolen username and password is always on social media and the news and changing a much-used password can be annoying. It’s unfortunately a necessary part of good security practices. The rise of online scams and the frequency of data breaches...

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Safe online shopping

Safe online shopping

Safe online shopping - shopping online can be the most convenient way to shop from anywhere – at least anywhere where 4G and Wi-Fi is available. The burden of traffic and crowded stores can make online shopping the household’s preferred retail option. Online shopping...

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